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当前位置:首页 > 校园招聘 > 教职工招聘 > 浙江大学伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟校区联合学院联合研究课题组科研助理招聘

发布:2023-08-31 16:12:10  关注:28394次


zjui联合学院是浙江大学和美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟校区(uiuc)强强联合开展国际合作办学和科学研究的载体,2021年依托联合学院两校开展了题为adaptive resilient cyber-physical manufacturing networks”的联合研究,项目团队包括到来自浙江大学和uiuc10余名教授和几十名研究人员和博士研究生。该研究助理职位是为本项目设立,主要职责是负责联合研究项目的实验工作,主要包括但不限于制造设备的搭建调试、软件程序的开发与部署、研究结果的整理分析与发表等,同时还涉及对整个项目研究团队成员的支撑。


zjui联合学院位于浙江大学海宁国际校区,通过浙江大学和uiuc的国际顶级工程教育科研实力和资源打造世界一流的工程科学交叉学科专业,目前有518名本科生48名博士生。zjui联合学院的师资来自浙江大学和uiuc,都是从世界顶级大学毕业的教职人员。感兴趣的申请人可以联系klaus-dieter schewe教授(或王宏伟教授(,邮件标题注明:应聘岗位+毕业学校+本人姓名+今日招聘网jrzp.com快捷投递:点击下方“立即投递/投递简历”,即刻进行职位报名】


ms. xisha zhang <0571-87572511>;.


draft advertisement: research assistant

the uiuc institute of zhejiang university (zjui) is looking to fill the position of a research assistant in flexible manufacturing

starting from january 31, 2021. the research assistant is to support the research of the joint research centre “adaptive resilient cyber-physical manufacturing networks” between zjui and the university of illinois at urbana-champaign (uiuc).

the duties of the research assistant comprise overseeing the laboratory work of the joint research centre, in particular setting up manufacturing experiments, installing and programming machines, and reporting the results. this includes supporting the researchers of the centre on other tasks.

applicants are expected to have received a master degree in science or engineering in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, computer engineering or to have equivalent qualifications. knowledge in at least one area concerning cyber-physical systems, robotics, mechatronics is essential. programming skills are also required.

the zjui institute is a cooperatively-run engineering college on the zhejiang university (zju) international campus in haining, china. it introduces and integrates top engineering curricula and resources from uiuc and zju. the complementation with contributions from counterpart colleges and departments provides a world-class engineering education programme. currently, zjui has 518 undergraduates and 48 phd candidates. the faculty of zjui is composed of talent recruited from top-tier international universities and outstanding professors from zju and uiuc.

for questions concerning the tasks of the research assistant please contact

professorklaus-dieter schewe;

or professorhongwei wang;.

for questions concerning employment at zjui please contact

ms.xisha zhang<0571-87572511>;.

screening of applications will begin on january 15, 2021. the position will remain open until filled.

please send your complete application including resume, education profile, work experience, etc. to

professorklaus-dieter schewe;.



