简介:菲特中国是德国菲特在中国独资子公司,总投资超过1,800万美元。菲特中国专业生产p系列(p1010/p2020/p3030)高速旋转式压片机,覆盖压片技术的所有产品,从压片机到周边设备,再到压片模具;为客户提供的全球化的解决方案,包含所有机器设备相关服务,比如配件服务,安装调试,系统升级和技术服务;压片过程各种专业服务包括培训,产品试压,应用咨询以及oee咨询等。菲特中国生产的所有p系列高速旋转式压片机都通过了ce认证,确保产品从整体到细节无一疏漏地符合欧盟法规及标准的要求。工厂于2004年8月开始投产,并于2018年迁至新工厂。菲特在全球有12个分公司,5个能力中心,全球100多位售后,70年成功经验。在压片机行业中,我们拥有高于 50%的全球市场份额以及高于80%的中国高端市场份额。随着公司规模,业务的不断扩大,我们着力建立一支高技术,高素质的团队以适应新形势的需要。我们欢迎各地英才的加盟,与菲特一起共同发展和进步!fette compacting (china) co., ltd. is 100% invested by fette compacting gmbh. total investment is over 18 mio. usd. fette covers all products in tableting technology, from tablet presses to peripherals and tableting tools. we also provide all services related to machinery and equipment, such as spare parts supply, installation, system upgrades, technical field service, generic term for our process related services which includes our training programs, compression trials, as well as application / oee consulting and engineering. all p-series(p1010/p2020/p3030) produced in fette compacting china passed the “ce” certification, to ensure that the products meet the requirements of eu regulations and standards from all aspects.the china production started in august 2004, move into the new state-of-the-art plant in 2018.fette compacting has 12 subsidiaries, 5 competence centers, more than 100 technicians worldwide, 70 years of success since 1948. as world market & technology leader, top 10 pharmaceutical companies in the world are all our customers and we have global market share over 50% while thereof high-end china market over 80%.with the development and business increasing of fette compacting (china), we focus on building up a high-tech, high-quality team to satisfy the demands of the marketing situation. here we welcome you to join us and step forward together with fette compacting(china)!
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