简介:百迪尔成立于2012年,2014年11月重组后成为新伟方的全资控股子公司,新伟方作为新的研发主体全面实施公司的业务运行。公司位于环境优美和交通便利的南京市徐庄软件园科技园区的南京百家汇科技创业社区,拥有近1000平米的研发和办公场所,以及百家汇提供的近万平方米的公共服务区域。新伟方&百迪尔是由医药行业经验丰富、充满激情和活力的创业团队组成的小分子药物研发公司,公司拥有近40人的专业研发团队和外部顾问团队,立足于创新药物和仿制药物的项目研发管线的建设和累积,管理团队具有国内仿制药、专利药物和国际项目合作研发以及项目立项评估等丰富的工作经验,具备成功研发小分子药物到产品上市的实战经验,具有从实验室工艺路线设计和优化到工业化放大生产的成功经验和研发理念。公司药物研发基础设施齐全,同时享有百家汇分析测试中心平台提供的大型进口先进仪器设备和高效快捷的服务,包括化合物理化性质测定、分离纯化及结构鉴定等专业分析测试服务,以及创新药物研发技术平台:抗体药物平台、生物评价平台、分析测试中心、实验动物中心、cro联盟等,可完成小分子和生物药物全流程研发。公司发展目标:公司信奉 “研发是成功的基石,创新展现价值”。公司围绕“一切以项目为核心”,以产品获批上市为研发目标,以国际主流创新体系和仿制药质量体系为标杆,打造公司自身的项目研发管线,在某些治疗领域形成若干上市产品,重点涉足心脑血管、精神神经、炎症、抗病毒和肿瘤五大疾病治疗领域。公司核心业务:自研和外部合作相结合,建立丰富的和不同阶段的项目研发管线。公司发展以生存为基础,在项目累积阶段,承接不同形式的项目合作,包括技术转让,定制开发,共同合作开发等。现已建立若干商务合作伙伴,以及原料委托生产定点企业公司坚持以人为本,以项目为核心,作为公司持续和快速发展的源动力;公司遵循德才兼备、以德为先的用人标准;公司贯彻诚信、敬业、协作、进取的职业素养;公司以创造具有高附加值和商机的产品为导向;最终以实现公司与个人价值共赢作为共同发展目标。公司业务拓展: 2015年启动参股或控股技术和产品依托本公司的原料药生产企业,诚邀有共同发展目标的企业合作。about newelpharm & biodealnewelpharm & biodeal was established in 2012. targeting at novel small molecule drug development, newelpharm & biodeal has rich experience in pharmaceutical development from pre-ind to nda. our top management team is composed of western-trained professionals, and they all have multiple years of working experience in global pharmaceutical and biotech companies. our business is focused on api production and formulation development. qdb is implemented into our r&d activities, including process design, optimization, scale ups. our labs are equipped with modern instruments, and operations are guided by internal sops.newelpharm & biodeal is located in bioscikin park in xuzhuang, nanjing. it occupies 10,000 square feet state-of-art laboratories; and employees 40 experienced and talented scientists. newelpharm & biodeal believes that r&d is the key for success, and innovation creates value. biodeal's strategy is to build a pipeline filled with generics and patent drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular, central nerve, inflammatory, antiviral, and cancer. our business is growing rapidly in both domestic and oversea markets. to further expand our production capacity, newelpharm & biodeal is planning to build a cgmp manufacturing facility. our goal is to make high-quality products accessible to more people and more patients around the world.in the past few years, newelpharm & biodeal has successfully cooperated with some strategic partners in marketing and sales in cancer, cardiovascular, inflammation, infection areas.
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