简介:海拉是一家全球性独立的家族企业,在 35 个国家的 100 个城市拥有 29,000 名员工。海拉集团为汽车行业开发和生产用于照明技术和电子设备的部件和系统,并拥有欧洲范围内最大的汽车零部件、配件、诊断和售后服务机构之一。我们还通过建立合资企业来生产全套的汽车模块、空调系统和车载电网。海拉凭借 5,600 多名研发人员跻身于市场上最重要的创新领导行列。此外,海拉集团在 2012╱2013 财年创造了 50 亿欧元的销售额,名列全球汽车配件供应商前 50 名,并属于德国 100 家最大的工业企业之一。海拉南京研发中心是海拉在中国唯一一家及车电子和灯具于一体的研发中心。灯具方面将致力国内及国际市场领导产品的设计及研发;电子方面以驾驶辅助系统,能源管理以及灯具配套电子系统的研发为主;自2011年8月成立以来,发展迅速,到目前为止,已拥有超过三百名工程师。本着“本地创新,引领未来”的原则,海拉南京研发中心凭其先进技术和产品,将持续成为服务中国乃至亚太地区的创新研发基地。点亮您的职业发展,欢迎加入海拉南京研发中心。hella is a global, independent, family-owned company with more than 29,000 employees at 100 locations in more than 35 countries. the hella group develops and manufactures lighting and electronic components and systems for the automotive industry and also has one of the largest trade organizations for automotive parts, accessories, diagnosis, and services within europe. complete vehicle modules, air-conditioning systems and vehicle electrical systems are produced in joint venture companies. with more than 5,600 people working in research and development, hella is one of the most important innovation drivers on the market. in addition, with sales of approx. 5.0 billion euros in fiscal year 2012/2013, the hella group is one of the top 50 automotive parts suppliers in the world and one of the 100 largest german industrial companies.hella nanjing technical center (hntc) is the first technical center combining both lighting and electronics in one office of hella in china, is the lead development center for lighting activities in china; for electronics development it is focusing on driver assistance systems, energy management and lighting synergy products. starting from august 2011, hntc has undergone a remarkable development and has now reached more than 300 r&d engineers; it is planning to reach more than 500 employees by 2015. under the motto “leading the future with localized innovation” hntc will play a key role as innovation development base and continuously contribute to the local chinese market as well as the asia pacific market with technology and products.light up your career: welcome to join hntc!简历投递邮箱: hr_nanjing@hella.com公司地址: 南京市江宁经济技术开发区水阁路长平街9号行车路线:地铁一号南延线到胜太路站转820路到水阁路长平街站下地铁一号南延线到安德门站转780路到水阁路长平街站下地铁三号线到胜太西路站转820路到水阁路长平街站下地铁s1机场线到吉印大道站1号出口下,步行约20分钟
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